Appetite And Weight With P.h.a.t. Breastfeeding

It is a well known fact that breastfeeding is best source of nutrition for infants. Breast milk provides minerals, vitamins and antibodies in most acceptable format when they need it. Nutrition taken by mother passes to breast-milk and same thing applies to medicines taken by mothers. Not all drugs cause problem for baby but some do. Lets analyze if Appetite And Weight With P.h.a.t. is safe for baby while breastfed.

What is Appetite And Weight With P.h.a.t. used for?

Uses for symptoms contributing to: excessive appetite, cravings, overeating, constitutional tendency to gain fat, obesity, cravings for sweets and starches, water retention, ravenous hunger, excess weight, abdominal fat.

Purpose: Uses for symptoms contributing to: excessive appetite cravings overeating constitutional tendency to gain fat obesity cravings for sweets and starches water retention ravenous hunger excess wieght abdoninal fat

Appetite And Weight With P.h.a.t. while breastfeeding safe or not? Can there be any side effects for infant while using it during breastfeeding?

Appetite And Weight With P.h.a.t. safe while breastfeeding
FDA does not regulate Appetite And Weight With P.h.a.t.. There is no credible study done on safety of Appetite And Weight With P.h.a.t. while breastfeeding, Same holds truth for almost all homeopathic medicines however homeopathic medicines go through a process called potentisation. In potentisation homeopathic preparation goes through repeated dilution and shaking. Homeopaths state that repeated dilution and shaking helps the body to heal naturally. Due to extreme dilution of active ingredients homeopathic medicines are mostly safe in breastfeeding, Hence we can consider Appetite And Weight With P.h.a.t. as safe to use while breastfeeding.. Below we have provided analysis of its active ingredients. Safety rating of ingredients holds truth for herbal product but may not apply for homeopathic diluted drugs.

Appetite And Weight With P.h.a.t. Breastfeeding Analsys

Epinephrine while Breastfeeding


CAS Number: 51-43-4

Used as a systemic drug for cardiac resuscitation and locally in topical anesthetic preparations, epidural anesthesia, eye drops (mydriatic), and nasal drops (vasoconstrictor). At last update no published data on excretion in breast milk were found.Its rapid metabolism (short Tmax and T½) makes it unlikely an excretion into milk in significant amounts. It is destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract. The low oral-bioavailability makes its levels into infant's plasma, that would be absorbed from ingested breast milk, be nil or negligible. Maintained high intravenous doses decrease milk production by interfering with the secretion of prolactin especially the early postpartum-weeks, because when breastfeeding is well established, prolactin levels do not correlate with milk production any longer. No problems related to lactation have been observed due to epidural anesthesia in which adrenaline is used.

Corticotropin while Breastfeeding

Low Risk

CAS Number: 9002-60-2

We are working on a comment for this product.

Oyster shell calcium carbonate, crude while Breastfeeding


CAS Number: 471-34-1

Various calcium salts (Acetate, Carbonate, Chloride, Citrate, Phosphate, Gluceptate, Glucobionato, Lactate, Laxctobionato Pidolate, Silicate) are used in the management of hypocalcemia, supplements for treating calcium deficiency states and antacids ( Carbonate and Silicate) Daily requirement of calcium during lactation are 1 g (1.3 g in children under 20 years).Calcium supplements in the diet does not affect the concentration of calcium in milk.Excessive intake of calcium is not good for health. During lactation, consumption of calcium should not exceed 2.5 g a day. WHO List of Essential Medicines 2002 states that it is compatible with breastfeeding.

Fucus vesiculosus while Breastfeeding


Seaweed. The stem of the plant is used.It contains large amounts of mucilage and minerals, including iodine which appears in variable amounts that can be significant, in such a way that it may be a cause a hyperthyroidism-like disease (anxiety, insomnia, tachycardia, palpitations).It may also contain heavy metals, being a species of seaweed with a high ability of contamination by toxic products. The commission E of the German Health Ministry has not approved any clinical indication, discouraging its use. At latest update no published data on excretion into breast milk were found. However, there is information from other algae whose consumption is known to increase iodine levels in the plasma and breast milk.There have been reports of hypothyroidism in infants whose mothers have included in their diet important quantities of seaweed. There is no evidence of effectiveness on increasing milk production. The most effective method to increase milk production should be done by strengthening maternal self-confidence, evaluate and correct problems along with an effective support to breastfeeding mothers.

Potassium dichromate while Breastfeeding


CAS Number: 7778-50-9

Así como el Cromo (véase ficha) en estado trivalente (3+) y a dosis apropiadas carece de toxicidad y constituye un oligoelemento nutricional esencial, las sales hexavalentes (6+) de cromo tienen usos industriales (cromado), son oxidantes, corrosivas, irritantes, están catalogadas como carcinogenos 1A y mutágenos 1B (INSHT 2012, ATSDR 2012), pueden causar dermatitis de contacto y toxicidad crónica y aguda grave.El cromo 6+ se encuentra también en el humo de combustión del tabaco, en cosméticos (Hepp 2014) y en algunas prótesis osteoarticulares (Oppermann 2015). Los compuestos de cromo exavalente, por su peligrosidad, no tienen actualmente usos médicos. A nivel de riesgo laboral para la madre lactante, las frases (INSHT 2008) de riesgo (antiguas frases R, actualmente frases H de Hazard, peligro) o de prudencia (frases P) que deben aparecer en la ficha de seguridad de un producto son sólo dos:- H362 (ant. R64): "Puede perjudicar a los niños alimentados con leche materna"- P263: "Evitar el contacto durante el embarazo y la lactancia"Otras tres frases que se deben considerar durante la lactancia tienen relación con el poder cancerígeno, mutagénico o acumulativo de un producto:- H351 (ant. R40): "Posibles efectos cancerígenos" - H371 (ant. R68): "Posibilidad de efectos irreversibles" - H373 (ant. R33): "Peligro de efectos acumulativos" Basándose en la ausencia de estas frases en las fichas de seguridad del trióxido de cromo (Panreac 2012, INSHT 2005), no sería preciso apartar a la madre lactante de su puesto de trabajo, bastándole a la empresa con cumplir las exigencias legales de valores máximos de exposición ambiental y a la trabajadora las normas aconsejadas de prudencia (guantes, lavado de manos, cambio de ropa, etc. (Panreac 2012). Pero según la normativa europea vigente (Reglamento CE 2008) cuando un producto es carcinógeno y mutágeno, las madres lactantes trabajadoras no deben estar expuestas a mezclas, sean de sólidos, líquidos o gases, con límites de concentración superiores a 0,3%.Además resulta un anomalía el que estando clasificado como cancerígeno 1A, no se le aplique la frase H351 (R40). A la luz de toda la bibliografía, consideramos que la madre lactante no debería estar expuesta a compuestos hexavalentes de cromo en el ambiente laboral.

Appetite And Weight With P.h.a.t. Breastfeeding Analsys - 2

Epinephrine while Breastfeeding

CAS Number: 51-43-4

No information is available on the use of epinephrine during breastfeeding. Because of its poor oral bioavailability and short half-life, any epinephrine in milk is unlikely to affect the infant. High intravenous doses of epinephrine might reduce milk production or milk letdown. Low-dose intramuscular (such as Epi-Pen), epidural, topical, inhaled or ophthalmic epinephrine are unlikely to interfere with breastfeeding. To substantially diminish the effect of the drug after using eye drops, place pressure over the tear duct by the corner of the eye for 1 minute or more, then remove the excess solution with an absorbent tissue.

Corticotropin while Breastfeeding

CAS Number: 9002-60-2

No information is available on the clinical use of corticotropin during breastfeeding. It is unlikely to appear in breastmilk and because it is has a molecular weight of 4540 and a half-life of only 10 to 15 minutes. Absorption by the infant is unlikely because it would probably be destroyed in the infant's gastrointestinal tract. Based on animal data, an increase in breastmilk cortisol levels might be expected after administration of corticotropin to a nursing mother.[1] If corticotropin is required by the mother, it is not a reason to discontinue breastfeeding.

Cortisone acetate while Breastfeeding

CAS Number: 53-06-5

Cortisone is a normal component of breastmilk that passes from the mother's bloodstream into milk and might have a role in intestinal maturation, the intestinal microbiome, growth, body composition or neurodevelopment, but adequate studies are lacking.[1] Concentrations follow a diurnal rhythm, with the highest concentrations in the morning at about 7:00 am and the lowest concentrations in the late afternoon and evening.[2][3] Cortisone has not been studied in breastmilk after exogenous administration in pharmacologic amounts. Although it is unlikely that dangerous amounts of cortisone would reach the infant, a better studied alternate drug might be preferred. Local injections, such as for tendinitis, would not be expected to cause any adverse effects in breastfed infants, but might occasionally cause temporary loss of milk supply. Cortisone concentrations in breastmilk are not affected by storage for 36 hours at room temperature, during multiple freeze-thaw cycles, nor Holder pasteurization (62.5 degrees C for 30 minutes).[4][5]

Thyroid, unspecified while Breastfeeding

CAS Number: 8028-36-2

Thyroid is an animal-derived mixture of levothyroxine (T4) and liothyronine (T3), which are normal components of human milk. Limited data on exogenous replacement doses of levothyroxine during breastfeeding indicate no adverse effects in infants. If thyroid is required by the mother, it is not a reason to discontinue breastfeeding. The American Thyroid Association recommends that subclinical and overt hypothyroidism should be treated with levothyroxine in lactating women seeking to breastfeed.[1] Thyroid dosage requirement may be increased in the postpartum period compared to prepregnancy requirements patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis.[2]

Appetite And Weight With P.h.a.t. Breastfeeding Analsys - 3

Cortisone acetate and Breastfeeding

Low Risk

Thyroid, unspecified and Breastfeeding


What should I do if already breastfed my kid after using Appetite And Weight With P.h.a.t.?

Due to high dilution of ingredients in homeopathic medicines they do not create much problem for baby. Appetite And Weight With P.h.a.t. is a homeopathic medicine and if your baby does not have any abnormal symptoms then there is nothing to worry about. Be careful with too much usage of ethanol based homeopathic medicines during breastfeeding.

I am nursing mother and my doctor has suggested me to use Appetite And Weight With P.h.a.t., is it safe?

Homeopathic medicines are usually safe in breastfeeding and if Appetite And Weight With P.h.a.t. has been recommended by doctor then there should be no concern about its usage in breastfeeding.

If I am using Appetite And Weight With P.h.a.t., will my baby need extra monitoring?

Not exactly.

Who can I talk to if I have questions about usage of Appetite And Weight With P.h.a.t. in breastfeeding?

National Womens Health and Breastfeeding Helpline: 800-994-9662 (TDD 888-220-5446) 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday

National Breastfeeding Helpline: 0300-100-0212 9.30am to 9.30pm, daily
Association of Breastfeeding Mothers: 0300-330-5453
La Leche League: 0345-120-2918
The Breastfeeding Network supporter line in Bengali and Sylheti: 0300-456-2421
National Childbirth Trust (NCT): 0300-330-0700

National Breastfeeding Helpline: 1800-686-268 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Telehealth Ontario for breastfeeding: 1-866-797-0000 24 hours a day, 7 days a week