Be Gone Smoking while Breastfeeding
For most of the drugs advantages of taking medications overweighs the potential risks however some drugs could be really dangerous for breastfed baby hence every medication shall be considered separately. In this page we will discuss about purpose of Be Gone Smoking and its risk associated with lactation. We will also discuss the usage of Be Gone Smoking and some common side effects associated with Be Gone Smoking.

What is Be Gone Smoking used for?

CALADIUM Motion sickness DAPHNE Bad breath NUX VOM Vomiting PLANTAGO Earache STAPHYSAG Anger TABACUM Sea sickness

Brief: USES Aids the body in regaining healthy balance during the smoking cessation process.

Is Be Gone Smoking usage safe while breastfeeding? If a lactating mother is using it can there be any effect on growth or development of infant?

Be Gone Smoking safe while breastfeeding
FDA does not regulate Be Gone Smoking. There is no credible study done on safety of Be Gone Smoking while breastfeeding, Same holds truth for almost all homeopathic medicines however homeopathic medicines go through a process called potentisation. In potentisation homeopathic preparation goes through repeated dilution and shaking. Homeopaths state that repeated dilution and shaking helps the body to heal naturally. Due to extreme dilution of active ingredients homeopathic medicines are mostly safe in breastfeeding, Hence we can consider Be Gone Smoking as safe to use while breastfeeding.. Below we have provided analysis of its active ingredients. Safety rating of ingredients holds truth for herbal product but may not apply for homeopathic diluted drugs.

Be Gone Smoking Breastfeeding Analsys

Strychnos nux-vomica seed while Breastfeeding


CAS Number: 8046-97-7

Dried seed of this plant has been used. It contains brucine and strychnine. It is highly toxic and easily lethal.

Tobacco leaf while Breastfeeding


CAS Number: 8037-19-2

Is Be Gone Smoking safe while breastfeeding

Mother’s tobacco addiction increases the risk of not initiating breastfeeding or early weaning. The milk of smoking mothers contains higher levels of Cotinine, Cadmium, Mercury other heavy metal, lower amount of proteins, Vitamin A C and E and other antioxidants. Smoking may decrease milk production and induce alteration of lipid pattern of human milk. There is a higher risk of future obesity and lower stature among breastfed siblings of smoking mothers. The risk for Sudden Infant Death is also increased. A major health problem among infants who have been raised into a tobacco polluted environment is that they are more prone to suffer of respiratory tract infections, asthma and more frequent hospital admissions for this reason. Not because of Nicotine excreted into the mother’s milk but because of the inhalation of smoke particles originated from combustion of tobacco, which are suspended in the air. However, all this risk increases if in addition to mother smoking, the infant is formula fed. The latter is a reason to support breastfeeding among mothers who are not able to stop smoking since it is more effective whether the mother decreases smoking and avoids doing so inside the house. Most important, however, is that the mother would continue breastfeeding the baby. Nicotine excretion into milk is decreased if the mother feeds the infant 2 hours after smoking. Health promotion campaigns against tobacco addiction should be focused on non-breastfeeding moms. Breastfeeding should be regarded as a unique opportunity to enhance good health practices as to quitting from an unhealthy habit as smoking which is harmful for mother’s health and other next people. Bed-sharing is not recommended for mothers who smoke.

What should I do if I am breastfeeding mother and I am already exposed to Be Gone Smoking?

Due to high dilution of ingredients in homeopathic medicines they do not create much problem for baby. Be Gone Smoking is a homeopathic medicine and if your baby does not have any abnormal symptoms then there is nothing to worry about. Be careful with too much usage of ethanol based homeopathic medicines during breastfeeding.

I am nursing mother and my doctor has suggested me to use Be Gone Smoking, is it safe?

Homeopathic medicines are usually safe in breastfeeding and if Be Gone Smoking has been recommended by doctor then there should be no concern about its usage in breastfeeding.

If I am using Be Gone Smoking, will my baby need extra monitoring?

Not exactly.

Who can I talk to if I have questions about usage of Be Gone Smoking in breastfeeding?

National Womens Health and Breastfeeding Helpline: 800-994-9662 (TDD 888-220-5446) 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday

National Breastfeeding Helpline: 0300-100-0212 9.30am to 9.30pm, daily
Association of Breastfeeding Mothers: 0300-330-5453
La Leche League: 0345-120-2918
The Breastfeeding Network supporter line in Bengali and Sylheti: 0300-456-2421
National Childbirth Trust (NCT): 0300-330-0700

National Breastfeeding Helpline: 1800-686-268 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Telehealth Ontario for breastfeeding: 1-866-797-0000 24 hours a day, 7 days a week