Allerstat Ii Breastfeeding

Most health expert recommend six month of exclusive breastfeeding but statics suggest that numbers are not good, almost 95% mothers start breastfeeding but this number drops to 40% in first three month and further it drops to 15% till fifth month. Sometime its due to need of medication usage. Because of these statics its important to provide good information on safety of drugs in breastfeeding so that it can be improved when possible. In this FAQ sheet we will discuss about exposure to Allerstat Ii while breastfeeding. We will also discuss about common side effects and warnings associated with Allerstat Ii.

What is Allerstat Ii used for?

For temporary relief of sinus congestion due to hay fever and allergic rhinitis. **These statements are based upon traditional homeopathic practice. They have not been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration.

Purpose: INDICATIONS For temporary relief of sinus congestion due to hay fever and allergic rhinitis. **These statements are based upon traditional homeopathic practice. They have not been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration.

Is Allerstat Ii usage safe while breastfeeding? If a lactating mother is using it can there be any effect on growth or development of infant?

Allerstat Ii safe while breastfeeding
FDA does not regulate Allerstat Ii. There is no credible study done on safety of Allerstat Ii while breastfeeding, Same holds truth for almost all homeopathic medicines however homeopathic medicines go through a process called potentisation. In potentisation homeopathic preparation goes through repeated dilution and shaking. Homeopaths state that repeated dilution and shaking helps the body to heal naturally. Due to extreme dilution of active ingredients homeopathic medicines are mostly safe in breastfeeding, Hence we can consider Allerstat Ii as safe to use while breastfeeding.. Below we have provided analysis of its active ingredients. Safety rating of ingredients holds truth for herbal product but may not apply for homeopathic diluted drugs.

Allerstat Ii Breastfeeding Analsys

Echinacea angustifolia while Breastfeeding

Low Risk

CAS Number: 84696-11-7

Plant that is widely used even during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Because a lack of toxicity with an appropriate dose and moderate consumption it should be compatible with breastfeeding. The roots and aerial summits are used. It contains polysaccharides, essential oil, flavonoids, pyrrolizidine alkaloids among others. Unproven effects: immune stimulant, wound healing, anti-inflammatory. Indications are: common cold, bronchitis, skin lesions.Roots and aerial summits are used. It contains polysaccharides, essential oil, flavonoids, pyrrolizidine alkaloids ... Unproven effects: immune stimulant, wound healing, anti-inflammatory. Indications according to Commission E of German Ministry of Health: common cold, bronchitis, skin lesions. Contrary to the European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy (ESCOP), the European Medication Agency does not recommend usage in younger than 12 years (allergy risk). Avoid using for longer than 8 weeks (risk for leukopenia)

Onion while Breastfeeding


CAS Number: 8054-39-5

At latest update no published data on excretion into breast milk were found. It is a widely used plant in preparing food and also in Phytotherapy as herbal extracts or essential oil. Given its lack of toxicity, a moderate consumption as herbal-based medicine during lactation would have low or no risk. Its consumption as a food is devoid of risk. The plant's bulbs are used which contain fructans, polysaccharides, flavonoids (quercetin glycosides), saponins, sterols and sulfoxides. Properties that were approved by the Commission E of the German Ministry of Health are: antibacterial, fat-lowering, antihypertensive, platelet aggregation inhibitor. It is used to treat loss of appetite and topically for bedsores and contractures. It has been used as a topical treatment for pain or inflammation of the nipple.There is insufficient evidence that would suggest ingestion of onions by the mother may be a cause of colicky pain or breast milk rejection by the infants.

Arsenic trioxide while Breastfeeding


Used in the treatment of promyelocitic leukemia in adults.

Euphrasia stricta while Breastfeeding


CAS Number: 790302-50-0

Aerial summits are used. It contains galic tannins, phenol-carboxylic acids, flavonoids and iridoid heterosides. The Commission E of German Ministry of Health does not support the traditional use as anti-diarrhea and eye anti-inflammatory agent.

Sodium sulfate while Breastfeeding


CAS Number: 7727-73-3

Osmotic laxatives are often used to cleanse the bowel before medical procedures.They base their action on the very little or nothing they are absorbed and by this means forcing the water to enter the intestine with the result of watery diarrhea. At latest update no published data on excretion into breast milk were found. Another laxative with similar estructure which is Sodium Picosulfate (see specific info) is not excreted into breast milk Be aware of drinking enough fluids to avoid dehydration of the nursing mother who is already loosing water by producing about 1 liter of milk a day.

Strychnos nux-vomica seed while Breastfeeding


CAS Number: 8046-97-7

Dried seed of this plant has been used. It contains brucine and strychnine. It is highly toxic and easily lethal.

Solidago virgaurea flowering top while Breastfeeding


CAS Number: 85117-06-2

Perennial plant. Florid summits are used.It contains flavonoids, tannins, saponosides.Indication after Commission E of German Ministry of Health: diuretic. Daily dose: 6 to 12 g of drug or equivalent. Be cautious with extracted alcohol and tincture.

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Echinacea angustifolia while Breastfeeding

CAS Number: 84696-11-7; 90028-20

Echinacea species (Echinacea angustifolia, Echinacea purpurea, Echinacea pallida) contain high molecular weight polysaccharides (e.g., heteroxylan, arabinogalactan) and lower molecular weight compounds (e.g., alkylamides, caffeoyl conjugates such as cichoric acid and echinacosides), but no single chemical is known to be responsible for echinacea's biological activity. Some products have been standardized based on echinacoside, and others on cichoric acid. Echinacea has no specific uses during breastfeeding, but is commonly used orally to treat or prevent upper respiratory infections. It is also used topically to treat skin infections. Excretion of some of the purportedly active alkamides was found in breastmilk in one mother. No data exist on the safety and efficacy of echinacea in nursing mothers or infants. In general, echinacea is well tolerated with gastrointestinal upset, diarrhea and constipation, skin rash and rarely allergic reactions reported. It may also alter the metabolism of some dugs metabolized by the P450 enzyme system. Some sources indicate that echinacea is safe in recommended doses,[1] while others recommend avoiding it during breastfeeding because of the lack of published safety data. Dietary supplements do not require extensive pre-marketing approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Manufacturers are responsible to ensure the safety, but do not need to the safety and effectiveness of dietary supplements before they are marketed. Dietary supplements may contain multiple ingredients, and differences are often found between labeled and actual ingredients or their amounts. A manufacturer may contract with an independent organization to verify the quality of a product or its ingredients, but that does certify the safety or effectiveness of a product. Because of the above issues, clinical testing results on one product may not be applicable to other products. More detailed information #about dietary supplements# is available elsewhere on the LactMed Web site.

Arsenic trioxide while Breastfeeding

CAS Number: 1327-53-3

Most sources consider breastfeeding to be contraindicated during maternal antineoplastic drug therapy. It might be possible to breastfeed safely during intermittent therapy with an appropriate period of breastfeeding abstinence; the manufacturer recommends an abstinence period of 1 week after the last dose. Chemotherapy may adversely affect the normal microbiome and chemical makeup of breastmilk.[1] Women who receive chemotherapy during pregnancy are more likely to have difficulty nursing their infant.[2]

Pulsatilla vulgaris while Breastfeeding

Pulsatilla (Anemone pulsatilla and other related species) contains ranunculin, protoanemonin, and anemonin as well as triterpene saponins and flavonoids. The fresh plant is extremely irritating to the skin, gastrointestinal tract and mucous membranes. Allergic reactions have been reported to pulsatilla. Homeopathic preparations of pulsatilla are reportedly used for sore nipples and mastitis,[1] to reduce an overabundant milk supply,[2] or to increase milk supply.[3] Galactogogues should never replace evaluation and counseling on modifiable factors that affect milk production.[4] No scientifically valid clinical trials support either of these uses. Because of a lack of information, other agents may be preferred in nursing mothers. Dietary supplements do not require extensive pre-marketing approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Manufacturers are responsible to ensure the safety, but do not need to the safety and effectiveness of dietary supplements before they are marketed. Dietary supplements may contain multiple ingredients, and differences are often found between labeled and actual ingredients or their amounts. A manufacturer may contract with an independent organization to verify the quality of a product or its ingredients, but that does certify the safety or effectiveness of a product. Because of the above issues, clinical testing results on one product may not be applicable to other products. More detailed

Sulfur while Breastfeeding

CAS Number: 7704-34-9

Sulfur 5% to 10% in a petrolatum base is safe for topical use in children, including infants under 2 months of age.[1] This makes it a useful alternative to organic insecticides for treating scabies in nursing mothers; however, the petrolatum base makes undesirable for use on the breast.

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Baptisia tinctoria root and Breastfeeding


Wild indigo is an herb. The root is used to make medicine.Wild indigo is used for infections such as diphtheria, influenza (flu), swine flu, the common cold and other upper respiratory tract infections, lymph node infections, scarlet fever, malaria, and typhoid. It is also used for sore tonsils (tonsillitis), sore throat, swelling of the mouth and throat, fever, boils, and Crohns disease. Some people apply wild indigo directly to the skin for ulcers, sore and painful nipples, as a douche for vaginal discharge, and for cleaning open and swollen wounds. Wild indigo is UNSAFE when taken by mouth or applied to the skin, long-term or in large doses. Large doses can cause vomiting, diarrhea, other intestinal problems, and spasms.

While breastfeeding wild indigo is likely not safe when taken by mouth or applied to the skin. Avoid use.

Phosphorus and Breastfeeding


Next to calcium, phosphorus is the most abundant mineral in the body, making up about 1% of total body weight. Calcium, which gives strength to bones and teeth, needs to be combined with another mineral, such as phosphorous, to become stabilized before it can be effective.

Phosphorus also helps to release energy from food as it plays an important role in the metabolism of carbohydrate, fat and protein. Phosphorus is naturally found in many food sources and phosphorus supplementation while breastfeeding is mostly safe.

You can easily get all the phosphorus you need from a well-balanced diet (even though most prenatal vitamins dont contain phosphorus). For example, 2 cup of yogurt provides nearly all your phosphorus for the day.

Warning: Consuming high doses of phosphorus for a short time can cause diarrhea or stomach pain. The long term over-consumption of foods high in phosphorus can deplete calcium resources and lead to reduced bone mass, which means that bones are more likely to fracture.

Pulsatilla vulgaris and Breastfeeding

Low Risk

Note: Mostly safe in Homeopathic preparations

Sulfur and Breastfeeding


Note: Study and data for tropical use only

Warning: Tropical usage in breast area shall be avoided to prevent the Thuja passing orally in Infants.

What should I do if already breastfed my kid after using Allerstat Ii?

Due to high dilution of ingredients in homeopathic medicines they do not create much problem for baby. Allerstat Ii is a homeopathic medicine and if your baby does not have any abnormal symptoms then there is nothing to worry about. Be careful with too much usage of ethanol based homeopathic medicines during breastfeeding.

I am nursing mother and my doctor has suggested me to use Allerstat Ii, is it safe?

Homeopathic medicines are usually safe in breastfeeding and if Allerstat Ii has been recommended by doctor then there should be no concern about its usage in breastfeeding.

If I am using Allerstat Ii, will my baby need extra monitoring?

Not exactly.

Who can I talk to if I have questions about usage of Allerstat Ii in breastfeeding?

National Womens Health and Breastfeeding Helpline: 800-994-9662 (TDD 888-220-5446) 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday

National Breastfeeding Helpline: 0300-100-0212 9.30am to 9.30pm, daily
Association of Breastfeeding Mothers: 0300-330-5453
La Leche League: 0345-120-2918
The Breastfeeding Network supporter line in Bengali and Sylheti: 0300-456-2421
National Childbirth Trust (NCT): 0300-330-0700

National Breastfeeding Helpline: 1800-686-268 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Telehealth Ontario for breastfeeding: 1-866-797-0000 24 hours a day, 7 days a week